Transylvania County, NC, Democratic Party (TCDP)

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COVID-19 is Deadly; Protect Our Kids!

Do you remember the Golden Rule that most of us were taught by our parents as children? It still applies today, especially with regard to COVID-19. Get vaccinated; Wear a mask. Please contact the Transylvania County School Board and ask them to keep our kids safe!

On Monday, August 2nd, the School Board of Transylvania County voted to make face masks OPTIONAL for the upcoming school year in Transylvania County.

It's safe to say that everyone is tired of the COVID-19 pandemic, tired of wearing face masks and the numerous other inconveniences we have all experienced over the past year. Here's the deal, it's a heck of a lot easier to be inconvenienced by wearing a face mask than to be dead from COVID-19. There are three proven vaccines available right now for all ages 12 and above. Getting vaccinated prevents severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. Unvaccinated people should get vaccinated and continue masking until they are fully vaccinated. With the Delta variant, this is more urgent than ever.

In Transylvania County COVID-19, since June there have been 150 new cases; this is alarming. The CDC has designated a majority of North Carolina counties including Transylvania County as a High Transmission area. Don't be complacent. According to the CDC, in Transylvania County 49.4% of the population has received at least one COVID-19 vaccination dose and 44.2% are fully vaccinated. In essence that means that every other person you come into contact with is NOT vaccinated.

Transylvania County School Board Members below can be contacted via the website: OR you can call them at Phone: (828) 884-6173

Suggested Message:

Dear/Hello "School Board Member Name"

You have the power to protect our kids and their families. Please use it and mandate masks until we safely pass this Delta variant surge. Our kids' health and safety is your greatest responsibility and decisions affecting their health and safety should be based on scientific facts and recommendations by the CDC, by medical professionals.

  1. Tawny McCoy (R) (Chair)

  2. Ron Kiviniemi (D) (Vice Chair)

  3. Courtney Domokur (R)

  4. Marty Griffin (D)

  5. Kimsey Jackson (R)